Flat Arrangement Diagonal Prototype 007
Flat Arrangement Diagonal Prototype 007
22” x 28” x 2”
This was my first attempt at a flat assembly of pegs and I think it came out pretty good! I don’t know why I decided I’d try to tackle angled pegs on my first go but I had a scrap piece of wood in the studio so on a whim just started assembling this one without any planning at all. It turns out the board was warped (a bow top to bottom) and cutting all the edge pegs at a 45-degree angle was super hard and tedious. Then when I went to frame it, I realized all the corners weren’t quite 90 degrees so I had to improvise a frame using moldings to essentially conceal the bow, the lack of right angles, and the roughly cut peg edges. I massaged it into submission and it looks pretty darn good at first glance but to me, those obstacles still are prevalent if you look closely. I had intended on doing a resin pour on it too but after some issues with the other flat piece, I decided against it. The resin was also going to solidify the attachment of the pegs because I only used a light adhesive. Over time, I’d guess some pegs may loosen but a little dab of any glue and it should be just fine.